American Free Enterprise Day

美国自由企业日(AFE)是十大赌博网站的传统, dating back to 1984. 表彰那些辛勤工作和成就体现了美国自由企业制度精华的个人的颁奖仪式突出了这一点. 年度奖章获得者将被选出,其他商业领袖也将获得奖章.

American Free Enterprise
Day 2024

Thursday, November 14, 11 a.m.
Rubin Arena at Palm Beach Atlantic University

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Lead Medalist

Paul N. Leone

CEO of The Breakers

Mr. Leone是拥有128年历史的私人控股公司Breakers Palm Beach, Inc .的首席执行官. and its parent company, Flagler System, Inc. The Breakers is the only large, 该国历史悠久的豪华度假村仍在其原始所有者手中,是佛罗里达州持续经营时间最长的企业之一. Leone was exposed to the hospitality industry at a young age, working in his family’s motels and restaurants. He went on to earn his B.S. in accounting from the University of Kentucky and became a licensed CPA. 他在八大会计师事务所Coopers and Lybrand从事了四年的公共会计工作. In 1985, he joined The Breakers as hotel controller, rising to the position of president in 1994 at age 36. In 2016, he was appointed CEO, 他是公司历史上第一位担任这一职位的非家族成员. Since his appointment, Mr. 莱昂内通过创造和培养独特的公司文化以及实现一流的员工满意度,在设计和维持世界上最伟大的度假胜地之一的转型方面受到赞誉, guest satisfaction, community service and financial performance. 他积极参与许多民间和专业组织的工作,并得到广泛认可, and he and his wife, Kathy, have four sons.


Companion Medalists

Kelly Smallridge


Kelly L. 斯莫里奇是十大赌博网站县领先的公私经济发展机构的总裁兼首席执行官, the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County (BDB). 作为佛罗里达州任期最长的经济发展总统, Kelly has a formidable track record, spearheading some of the largest job creation projects in the region. Recognized for her exceptional dedication, 2013年,州长里克·斯科特向凯利颁发了著名的州长大使奖章, 感谢她为十大赌博网站县创造就业做出的不懈努力. Under Kelly’s visionary leadership, the BDB has revolutionized Palm Beach County’s economy, 因在该地区招聘和扩张公司而获得众多州和国家荣誉. Credited with initiating the Wall Street South initiative, 十大赌博网站银行吸引了100多家金融服务公司来到十大赌博网站县, contributing to the economic transformation of the area. 她令人印象深刻的奖项和认可包括在2022年被评为佛罗里达州年度经济发展商, 被十大赌博网站商会于2022年评为年度最佳企业,并在过去十年中连续出现在“佛罗里达趋势”的“佛罗里达州500位最具影响力的商业领袖”中. Kelly’s impact extends to various prestigious titles, such as “Palm Beach 100” by Palm Beach Media Group, “Top 40 Business Leaders” by South Florida CEO, “Ultimate CEO” by the South Florida Business Journal and more.


Troy Maschmeyer, Jr.

CEO of Maschmeyer, Inc.



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Our Tradition

The United States of America is an exceptional nation. Founded under the providential hand of God, 她的繁荣得益于上帝永恒的恩典,也得益于她赖以建立的支柱:宗教自由, traditional Judeo-Christian morality, constitutional government, the rule of law, personal and political accountability, and free enterprise.

Palm Beach Atlantic University affirms all of these American pillars, but devotes itself, 特别是传播对自由企业制度的透彻理解.

As the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Palm Beach Atlantic University - American Free Enterprise logo

这些话是美国自由企业制度建立的基础. 它始于一种信念,即所有人都是平等的——不是偶然的,也不是法令规定的, but by God’s own purposeful design. Our system is therefore open to all. Simply put, God created each and every one of us. He loves us and wants us to prosper. 他给了我们追求改善自己和周围人生活的意志. 历史表明,自由企业提供的经济自由能最大限度地促进人类繁荣.

The free enterprise system allows human beings freedom. It is the role of the government to guarantee that freedom. Property rights are assured. Contracts are safeguarded by the rule of law. All people are treated equally. 自由企业是一种制度,在这种制度下,人们可以自由地与他人交换他们的劳动和私有财产,以创造双赢的改善他们的生活和整个人口.

这种体制经常在有信仰的人群中引发一个问题:商人能既成功又成为好基督徒吗? Absolutely! God has given special talents and abilities to each of us. 我们被呼召使用这些特殊的才能和能力,全心全意地爱主我们的上帝,并像爱自己一样爱我们的邻居. Create a better product, render a better service, sell them for a lower price, 或雇用你的邻舍,你就既爱上帝,又爱你的邻舍了.

Our Faith, Roots, and Reason curriculum, which is required of all students at Palm Beach Atlantic University, 允许学生选修两门课程中的一门:美国社会的自由或美国自由企业. 前者考察了自由在美国经历中的意义和重要性. 学生们探索诸如美国自由的历史根源之类的话题, 特别强调了自由与基督教之间的紧密联系, 以及美国政治秩序的主要缔造者所理解的自由的本质. 它还考察了政治自由和经济自由之间的相互依存关系.

美国自由企业课程探讨了西方和犹太-基督教传统中自由企业的本质和发展, contrasts free enterprise and collectivism, examines the role of rational decision-making in the economy, 并评估了与自由企业制度的效率和公平性有关的论点. 当政府明确界定和执行产权并平等地对每个人适用法治时, individuals, by pursuing their own enlightened self-interest, will naturally work for the good of society. As Adam Smith said:

“要使一个国家从最低限度的野蛮状态发展到最高程度的富裕,不需要别的什么东西。, but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice; all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things.”

我们必须向下一代传递对美国自由企业制度存在的原因的理解, that it has brought human flourishing to past American generations, and that if we do not deviate from it, 自由企业将为未来几代美国人带来同样的繁荣.

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